Chapter 7: Who Was Jesus?
1. What about the jargon/lingo of Christianity seems confusing or odd to you?
2. Does the idea of Jesus performing miracles in the Gospels enhance or hinder your faith in him as the Son of God? How?
3. How do you respond intellectually or emotionally when hearing the story of Jesus' crucifixion?
4. Why is it so important to a Christian's faith that Jesus was resurrected from death? In what ways might the resurrection change your life?
5. How would you respond to the perspective cited, "If you don't believe in the resurrection, you are not a true believer and certainly not a Christian in any traditional sense?"
6. Which piece of evidence for Jesus' resurrection, if any, do you find most convincing?
7. In your mind, what about the church discredits the Jesus of the Gospels and his teachings?
8. What experiences with the church have led you to or away from following Jesus?
9. Are you comfortable with Johnson's decision to describe himself as a "follower of Jesus" rather than as a "Christian?" Which label feels right for you?
10. How might followers of Jesus mend the negative reputation Christianity has gained?
11. Jesus told Nicodemus, "No one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit." What does it mean to be born again? Why did Jesus insist, "You must be born again?"
12. How do you feel about the N.T. Wright quote in answer to the question, "Is Jesus God?" Is it as helpful to you as it is to Johnson?