1. Tim Scorer takes us down a much different path this week… inviting us to share in an “experience of transformation.” You are asked to write words in the pentagon of this star for the dilemma that is most pressing in your own life.
- If you are comfortable sharing with others, what is this dilemma for you at the moment?
2. Scorer continues with the remarkable story/analogy of Zacchaeus and Jesus…encouraging us to put ourselves in their shoes.
- How might you spend a dinner conversation with Jesus?
- What would you ask Jesus concerning your most pressing dilemma?
3. Write the following words on the star, one per tip:
Jesus, God, world, Bible, and community/tradition. - How does Jesus create an “open heart” in you?
- How does God approach you through your open heart? (See Roo Borson poem, “The Trees”)
- When you focus your open-hearted attention on the world, both of nature and of humans, how does that affect the way you see your personal dilemma?
- How does Psalm 139 demonstrate the Bible’s strength?
- Using the analogy of a tree, how do we both benefit from and contribute toward “community and tradition?”
4. Finally, what did you gain from Tim Scorer’s chapter and his exercise with the star? Does it help you approach potential dilemmas in a new and meaningful way?
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