Chapter Six
1. Hollywood television
and movies make space travel look so easy.
Who knew it was really so complicated?
In the near term (present to 2030), Kaku discusses the current state of
affairs with our space program. While advancements
are meager, at best, there is small progress on the horizon.
- What are the main
challenges to locating and identifying other “earth-like” planets?
- What is the
“Goldilocks Zone?” Why is Europa
2. “While robotic
missions will continue to open new vistas for space exploration, the manned
missions will face much greater hurdles. This is because, compared to manned
missions, robotic missions are cheap and versatile; can explore dangerous
environments; don’t require costly life support; and most important, don’t have
to come back.”
- What are the primary
obstacles to manned space missions?
- What roles have
politics and funding played in recent decisions?
3. Kaku acknowledges, “The task of establishing a
permanent presence on the moon faces many obstacles.”
What are some of these obstacles?
4. By
midcentury (2030 to 2070), a mission to Mars may be in
progress. Yet, the challenges are
Specifically, how do concerns about water and atmosphere affect potential trips
to Mars?
5. Kaku
notes that by midcentury, we might have opportunity to engage in space travel
via tourism (and lots of $$$).
What’s our progress with space tourism so far?
6. Kaku notes that in the far future (2070 to
2100), “nanotechnology might even make possible the fabled space elevator. Like
Jack and the beanstalk, we might be able to climb into the clouds and beyond.
We would enter an elevator, push the up button, and then ascend along a carbon
nanotube fiber that is thousands of miles long. This could turn the economics
of space travel upside down.”
All elevator jokes aside, why is this such a difficult project?
“By the end of the century, even despite recent setbacks in funding for
manned space missions, scientists will likely have set up outposts on Mars and
perhaps in the asteroid belt. Next, they will set their sights on an actual
star. Although an interstellar probe is hopelessly beyond reach today, within
100 years it might become a reality. The first challenge is to find a new propulsion
system. Several designs and propulsions systems have been proposed for an
interstellar craft:
“Solar sail, nuclear rocket, ramjet
fusion, and nanoships.”
Discuss the mechanics of each.
Kaku concludes, “Given the fact that earth will be the home of humanity
for centuries to come, this raises another question:
- How will civilization itself
- How will science affect our
lifestyle, our jobs, and our society?
- Science is the engine of
prosperity, so how will it reshape civilization and wealth in the
Your thoughts on these?
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