Chapter 5
God’s Presence in Creation
1. Where do you see new things happening around you?
2. How are younger generations different from older generations?
3. Share the last new big-ticket item that you bought and/or describe the newest member of your family.
4. Who are persons in the Bible that God chose?
5. Often God chooses the small and the apparently insignificant in order to achieve great things. Where do we see this in the O.T. stories of Abraham and Sarah, Joseph, Rachel, and David?
6. God’s actions in history follow a pattern of love and redemption. Share a time when someone you know was lost, but now is found.
7. What are some ways that God reaches out to people today?
8. How does your church reach out in love to new members, visitors, and strangers?
9. We participate in God’s gift of love when we reach out to those in need. How do you share your time, talents, gifts, service, and witness with others at home, at church, at work, in your community?