Chapter 6
God’s Absence from Creation
1. What does it mean that God rests?
2. Do you get adequate rest, vacation time, time off from your responsibilities?
3. How could you help give someone else the opportunity to find peace and rest?
4. If creation is an expression of God’s love as a parent, what signs of love do you see in creation?
5. Giving children supervision is a parent’s responsibility, but how much is too much or too little?
6. Do you do better when you are closely supervised or when you are not?
7. Who is supervising you?
8. What makes for a good supervisor?
9. When God is perceived as absent, we in the church must step forward. What are ways that your church can be God’s hands and feet in the world and your neighborhood?
10. How do you teach a child to be obedient?
11. What does it mean to be “[freed] for joyful obedience?”
(see 1 John 5)
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