Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Physics of the Future, by Michio Kaku

Chapter Two

1.  Michio Kaku introduces the future of artificial intelligence by asking, “Will this usher in the end of humanity?”  He talks about the abilities and limitations of Honda’s robot, ASIMO.  But Kaku points out two major problems with robots: pattern recognition and the lack of common sense. 

- What are the present barriers to achieving these in robots and machines? 

2.  In the near future (present to 2030), introduces the field of “heuristics.”  These are “expert systems, software programs that have encoded in them the wisdom and experience of a human being…following a formal, rule-based system.”  These have given us Google internet search engines and the like.  Kaku believe the greatest application of these advances will be experienced in the various fields of medicine. 

- What were some of his projections and how would you respond to them?

3.  By midcentury (2030 to 2070), we may benefit from tiny modular robots, robot surgeons and cooks, and (oh my!) emotional robots.  

- How might we benefit from this assortment of robots?

4.  Kaku describes the challenges of reverse engineering, modeling, and taking apart the brain. 

- For the sake of review, what are these challenges?

5.  In the far future (2070 to 2100), Kaku anticipates a time when machines exceed us in intelligence, but AI researchers are split on the question of when this might happen.  “A large part of the problem with these scenarios is that there is no universal consensus as to the meaning of the word consciousness.  But if I were to venture a guess, I would theorize that consciousness consists of at least three basic components:

1. Sensing and recognizing the environment
2. Self-awareness
3. Planning for the future by setting goals and plans…
    that is, simulating the future and plotting strategy.”

- What are the roles and the complications of each?

6. Finally, Kaku raises some hypothetical scenarios of when robots exceed humans.  He believes the most likely scenario involves “friendly AI.” 

- What did he mean by this?

7.  “In addition to friendly AI, there is also another option: merging with our creations. Instead of simply waiting for robots to surpass us in intelligence and power, we should try to enhance ourselves, becoming superhuman in the process. Most likely, I believe, the future will proceed with a combination of these two goals, i.e., building friendly AI and also enhancing ourselves.”

- How might this play out?

- In this new world, what would it mean to see ourselves as “created in the image of God?”

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