Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Creation, by Justo Gonzalez

Chapter 4
Enter Evil

1. Reread the section of this chapter titled, “The Problem of Evil: Theodicy.” 

- What might it mean that evil is real in our world? 

2. You may know people who have given up on God or who are angry at God because something bad happened to them. 

- How can you respond?
- How can you help? 
- Is it OK to be angry with God? 

3. For many people, evil is a mystery because we cannot understand how a loving God can allow it. 

- Why do you think bad things happen to good people? 

4. How are we to live with the reality of evil? 

There are different kinds of evil—for example, personal, corporate, systemic. 
Give examples of each and how you can address them. 

5. How can we help people find hope? 

- Where do you see signs of hope in yourself, family, church, community, nation?

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